Bryan Donihue is a graphic artist… and an above-knee amputee. He understands that how his prosthetic looks can, and does, affect how he feels about his prosthetic limbs. And he wants to make sure that every amputee that desires a custom look can have one.
Custom artwork is an amazing option that can help you, or your loved-one, not be ashamed of their prosthetic appliances or limbs, and he want to make sure that every amputee has the option to make their prosthetic as unique as they are.
What is the process?
Bryan works with the amputee and their prosthetist to develop the look and design of the custom artwork to the specifications of the new socket.
Either Bryan or one of the amazing artists on his team will create the artwork and design.
Once the artwork is approved, it is then printed on full-color fabric, and shipped to the prosthetist or amputee.
The fabric can then be added to the final layering of the prosthetic creation, making it a permanent design on the prosthetic.
The amputee gets their new prosthetic with their unique artwork.
The artwork process usually takes a couple weeks from start to finish.
What does it Cost?
Simple: These services are on a pay-what-you-want or pay-what-you-can basis. What does this mean? Normally the artwork process would cost at least $200 for the design work and then the printing can run from $40-75 depending on the fabric.
Instead, Bryan is offering these services on a donation-style basis. If the amputee is able to make a payment, they can choose the amount they wish to pay. If they cannot pay anything, that’s ok, too!
Does this mean it’s Free?
Well, not really. But it only costs what the amputee can/wants to pay.
There may be some limits to the artwork subject matter. Bryan will not/cannot infringe on other registered trademarks without specific permission, however, there are some very specific circumstances where they may be available.
Also, Bryan may refuse to do artwork based on subject matter that he considers hateful or obscene. This will be on a case-by-case basis. Bryan wants every amputee to have custom artwork to their tastes, if at all possible, but Bryan also has to sleep with a clear conscience at night, as well.
How Can I help?
If you want to help so that I can spread this service beyond my local area (West Michigan), there are a couple ways to help:
If you would like to donate to help defray the costs for those who cannot pay, you can click on the “Donate” button, and either give a one-time or recurring support donation. *Note – We are NOT a registered 501c3 charity, so you will not likely be able to claim on taxes. Consult your tax person.
If you know of an amputee who would like custom artwork for their prosthetic, have them contact Bryan via this website.
If you are an artist, and would potentially be willing to contribute artwork for a prosthetic, please contact Bryan via this website.